Previous situation: Server with HASP HL Nettime seen by all the workstations,
Current situation; Workstation With Hasp HL Nettime seen by all the workstations but one.
License Manager version: 19.2 Build 65672
Runtime Installer 7.52
Hasp-Log on workssation with HASP HL generates:
2017-02-02 10:21:01 [14556] A duplicate License Manager ID exists on this server and, cause by cloning a VM. Licenses on these two servers may be inaccessible
The 2 Windows 8 systems are probably originally cloned., they are fysical systems not VM's
Diagnostics is showing the same "Sentinel LM ID" on both systems.
Purging the driver and installing again does not generate a new Sentinel LM ID
How to solve this problem? Is there a way to generate a new Sentinel LM ID?